The backhoe excavator growled like a savage demon. It flexed its muscles. It extended the yellow girth of its trunk and shook it, dropping sticking mud and debris from past exertions. From its throbbing engines it let out dark black puffs of smoke occasionally. It rode on huge black tyres, crushing stone and grass beneath.
Land trembled. The growling yellow demon rolled into the field scattered with bushes and pale grass. Great toe like projections extended from its underbelly. The machine sunk its toes firmly into the land and stood on them, raising itself.
The pale grass bush rattled in the breeze, as if from the great fear evoked by the massive machine. The breeze kept on, trying in vain to calm everything down.
The huge yellow machine extended its trunk, and brought it crushing down on the pale grass bush.
A rock lying nearby splintered with a soft thud.
The machine dug its large sharp teeth, on the trunk, deep into the red soil. It mercilessly and effortlessly uprooted the grass bush. It carelessly swept the carcass wide, and pushed it across.
Great toe projections rolled back in. The machine thumped its yellow gnawing trunk hard into the ground, and stood on the backhoe trunk and the loader. It pulled itself yanking against the sunken trunk. It did not use its tyres. It swayed to the side and descended near the next pale grass bush; like a huge menacing mechanical spider.
Again, its long yellow trunk started going up.
The breeze kept on. But it could not help me from being hit hard by this,
brutal lack of love.