Fullfilment for the child ...

Sunday, July 28, 2024

What lies buried deep inside of you?

The long, fifteen years you spent as a kid - coming into this world, with not much choice on where or when or why; and then figuring out how to get a grip on it - and then the not so long, a few years you spent as a teenager - trying to take all that figuring out you think you managed to do, and see how it flies. 

Then your adult life takes over. You learn, you explore, you figure out how to make a living, progress in life and possibly do great things - and the world thinks that you have made it. Sometimes it is referred to as having arrived. Many a times from smalltalk, books, news, television, movies and so on; one can catch stories - of such arrivals - of the people, who have achieved great things with their lives; of their lives, considered as those posessing fullfilment.

But does this necessarily mean fullfilment for that, what lies buried, deep inside you?

More than likely, not.

Over those forming years, the child inside you would have accumulated its wants and needs and cravings and oh sure, its insecurities - all of which lies buried, very deep inside you.

Information on fullfilment for that - is customarily not something that is publicised widely by mostly anybody. It is not something that people enquire others of. It is not something on which books, stories, television shows, movies or even plain vanilla accolades are made. One is quite unlikely to catch any stories - of such inner child fullfilments - of the people, who have experinced that; of the lives they lived when their inner child was; happy and fullfilled.

One could imagine that the likelihood of such a fullfilment - of the wants and needs and cravings accumulated by your inner child over its forming years; and the allaying of its insecurities -  is probably majorily dictated by how one's life is lived connected to, and with, the people who are closest to one's heart and mind. One could also postulate that this is not necessarily connected to 'accepted arrivals' - the kind that were pondered on a short while back.

More often than not, fullfilment for the inner child, maybe sort of, is an 'enlightenment' - which is probably impossible to accurately explain to anybody.
